Scientifically proven
Easy calving, Longevity, Health
Strength, Fertility, Adaptability
Production, Medium size, Solids
Discover the reason why ProCROSS is the most efficient cross breeding system for dairy cows: VikingRed, Montbeliarde by Coopex & Holstein.
“For those who are not sure if ProCROSS crossbreds are suitable cows for robotic milking, I would tell them that today our cows have a milk flow of 3 liters/minute, which is higher than average!”
Gaec de Kergoat is organic since 2 years and has applied ProCROSS crossbreeding for 10 years. The management of the herd combines economic efficiency & healthy cows.
“I can say that this is the best herd I have had since the beginning of my career.”