June 3, 2022

Rista Gård, Sweden

"For those who are not sure if ProCROSS crossbreds are suitable cows for robotic milking, I would tell them that today our cows have a milk flow of 3 liters/minute, which is higher than average!"
December 10, 2021

GAEC de Kergoat, France

Gaec de Kergoat is organic since 2 years and has applied ProCROSS crossbreeding for 10 years. The management of the herd combines economic efficiency & healthy cows.
December 2, 2021

GAEC de la Bar, France

“I can say that this is the best herd I have had since the beginning of my career.”
November 25, 2021

Haxäng Mjölkgård, Sweden

“If you are interested in ProCROSS, just go for it, you won't be disappointed.”
October 18, 2021

Milk Unlimited Dairy Farms : clear & fast results with ProCROSS

“Our dry matter intake is up to 10% less for the ProCROSS...we have realized better components, better health, better reproduction, and lower turnover rate for our ProCROSS compared with Holsteins …”
July 1, 2021

CiaoLatte, Italy : ProCROSS & Parmesan, the winning combo

CiaoLatte, Italy : ProCROSS & Parmesan, the winning combo A ProCROSS organic farm producing Parmesan cheese Filippo Peveri, a 26-year-old dairy farmer in Parma, Italy, is […]
May 19, 2021

Ola Gård – A pioneer organic farm in Sweden

Ola Gård is an organic dairy farm and meat producer outside Uppsala, Sweden. Thirty years ago, Lasse started thinking about crossbreeding his cows. The idea was confirmed at the Dairy Farm Days 2012, during a talk on ProCROSS. For Lasse and Sölvi, ProCROSS has been a mainstay of their herd since that day.
May 5, 2021

Opitz Dairy, USA : The perfect match between ProCROSS and grazing

"We are an intensive grazing herd located in Eastern Texas. We milk 1,500 cows and also raise 1,200 replacement heifers. Our cows graze 10 months of the year on 450 acres. The production average for our ProCROSS herd is 64 pounds of milk with 4.1% fat and 3.3% protein."
October 7, 2020

Feed efficient cows power Ellinglund Organic Farm in Denmark

Feed is the biggest cost you have on a farm. We are always looking for savings. If you can save just one percentage every day; that is a lot of money,” Lassen says. “We know our cows do their job, they stay healthy and productive, they eat and produce at their best,” he adds.
September 16, 2020

Lambert Van Der Linde ProCROSS Farm, Portugal

305 cows (260 ProCROSS / 45 Holsteins) 10.016 L Average production per cow in 2019 48.439 Average lifetime production/cow 2008 ProCROSS since 37 % Health: reduction of 37% of health costs in 9 years 4 Health: reduction of 37% of health costs in 9 years
September 6, 2020

Nørregaard ProCROSS, Denmark

“The crossbred cows are doing better than the Holsteins; they have better fertility traits, their hooves and legs are also very good, and we have the feeling the cows will be more durable, because their general health is really good.”
September 6, 2020

GAEC de Goulenez, France – For an easy to live with and robust cow

GAEC de Goulenez Farm in Brittany, western France: 120 cows (80% ProCROSS/20% Montbéliarde by Coopex) Owned by Didier Le Bris and Cyril Mignon Performance: 6,006kg/cow/year System: Grazing – on average 10 months/year
September 6, 2020

Skråmered ProCROSS Farm, Sweden, Herd No.3 for production in Sweden

The ProCROSS adventure started in 2011 at Skråmered Farm. Here, the 100% ProCROSS herd is now one of the most efficient in Sweden and has been ranked N°1 for yield in the area of Halland and number 3 across whole Sweden.
September 6, 2020

Törlan Lantbruk, Sweden

The herd was designated the most productive organic herd in the Halland area (western Sweden) in 2019. Performance results include 647kg more milk and +0.1% higher fat from the ProCROSS than from the farm’s Holstein cows.
September 6, 2020

Gammelbygaard Farm, Denmark

“I could see the benefits of the ProCROSS in the herds I visited before making my decision, and it was obvious that the crossbred cows’ fertility and robustness would be of great benefit to us.”
September 6, 2020

TriCross Dairy, South Dakota, USA

35.8kg milk/cow 90,000 Somatic Cell Count 4.2% butterfat 3.3% protein 5,000 cows 100% cow rotary milking parlor
September 3, 2020

Andersen Dairy, Idaho, USA

“They have really good reproduction. We don’t see much difference in milk production between our Holsteins and the ProCROSS cows but the crossbreds stay in the herd longer. About 80% of our herd are ProCROSS and 20% are Holsteins right now.”