That’s a wrap for the 2024 ProCROSS Conference in the UK, 8th edition organised by VikingGenetics UK and Coopex Montbéliarde.
Special thanks to Matt Stott and his team.
13 countries represented!
Through their presentations, the speakers showed once again that ProCROSS is definitely science & profit driven and remains the only proven crossbreeding system in the genetic industry.
Among speakers, scientists internationally recognized such as Prof. Bittante from Dafnae UNIPD University, Padova, Italy, talking on methane and other greenhouse effect gas emissions, favoring ProCROSS animals; Morten Kargo from Aarhus Universitet, and VikingGenetics, Denmark, talking on crossbreds evaluation, beef-on-dairy and use of sexed semen opportunities. Also very interesting key market datas from Dairy industry expert Chris Walkland, UK. Dairy nutritionist Annika Hansson from Växa Sverige cooperative, Sweden, presenting specificities and opportunities on feeding ProCROSS heifers and cows.
A special mention to Kelly Cunningham, dairy producer milking over 3.000 cows at Milk Unlimited in Iowa, USA, reviewing the remarkable progress of his production and financial figures over the years while transitioning to ProCROSS.
Karen and Tom Halton from Halton Farms shared with details their experience of introducing ProCROSS in their herd, coping with their goals of high productivity, strict animal welfare and no less important staff recognition. They emphasized the vital importance for our industry to communicate on dairy product benefits towards the general public and consumers. They milk 500 cows at Chance Hall Farm in Cheshire, UK.